Friday, November 25, 2011

Burlap Lamp Shade

I had fun making these these burlap lamp shadess a couple weeks ago. They are super easy and fun. I would love to show you how to do them but the only thing is the photos got deleted from my phone due to my four year old:).

First of the lamp base I found at Lowes about a year and half ago. They were a shinny goldish color more  on the clearence shelf for $3!! The lamp shades were also on clearance but they were covered in black and gold fabric. I think they were also $3 each. I looked pretty funny going to the check with my black and gold  combinations. A can of spray paint, a glue gun and a yard of burlap later...whala! I am happy with the way it turned out. All in all the whole project cost be about 15 for two lamps.

Goodbye Fall!

Well fall has come and gone once again. Well not technically but the fall decor will be coming down and the Christmas decorating will begin! I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We sure did. We celebrated with are friends and we had a great time. Loved it! I am still full:). We have so much to be thankful for and I am forever grateful for all that God has done this year. Also thankful for all the things he has taught me. Its been a hard year but he remained faithful through it all.
I  for one am sad to that fall is already over but looking forward to get my Christmas on. We always put are tree up the day after Thanksgiving and this year was no different. The tree is up and ready to be decorated:). I of course put my fix on it before the kids go at it tomorrow night. Believe it or not the kids were so tired today they did not want to put the ornaments up. CRAZY! I know! So tomorrow it is. Here are some sneak  peaks of our Christmas decorations. More pictures to come!

Two last things. One, I have not forgotten about my daughters room pictures. They will be up soon! Two, I put the Follow this blog button at the top now. So if you come on here often I would LOVE to hear from you. So please follow this blog and leave comments when you want to of course! Thank you for visiting my little old blog:) Happy Thanksgiving to you all!
Love, Jill