I started writing this back in August 2012 but never posted it. So here it is:
Its that time of year again, kids are back in school. I sent my youngest off to kindergarten. I am home alone during the day for the first time in twelve years! During the summer just thinking about it made me cry. I felt like what am I going to do? What is my purpose during the day? Do I go back to work? Do I go back to school? What is it going to look like? I thought I am going to miss my kids like crazy! I love having my kids around. I cry the first day of school and count the hours till they get home. I love being with my kiddos. They are my world, my life! Having them all in school was going to be big adjustment. The first day of school came and I dropped them all off and drove off but no tears were coming, not even one. What was wrong with me I thought to myself. How could I not possibly be crying. All my kids are in school. I am alone for the first time in twelve years. I walked in the front door of my house and as it shut behind me I took a breath. I took a deep breath and exhaled! I was going to get a little break and it felt good. It felt amazing to take those hours while they were in school to catch up on laundry, dishes actually have my dinner planned and have a phone conversation with a friend without getting interrupted. This is what this feels like!
Weeks after the first day I went through feelings of guilt. I thought that I shouldn't feel this way. I should want my kids home with me during the day and not look forward to the time they are in school. But what I realized is that it is ok to take a break. I have had children home with me for the past twelve years all day. The Lord kept speaking to me that this is my time to breath, exhale, recharge to press into him. I need to give myself this time. Even if it means cleaning the house, running errands, working occasional ect. I am still doing it alone and have time to myself and spend time with the Lord. I am finding myself again and it feels good. Its going to be a change but I am ready for this next season in my life and it feels good.
Its that time of year again, kids are back in school. I sent my youngest off to kindergarten. I am home alone during the day for the first time in twelve years! During the summer just thinking about it made me cry. I felt like what am I going to do? What is my purpose during the day? Do I go back to work? Do I go back to school? What is it going to look like? I thought I am going to miss my kids like crazy! I love having my kids around. I cry the first day of school and count the hours till they get home. I love being with my kiddos. They are my world, my life! Having them all in school was going to be big adjustment. The first day of school came and I dropped them all off and drove off but no tears were coming, not even one. What was wrong with me I thought to myself. How could I not possibly be crying. All my kids are in school. I am alone for the first time in twelve years. I walked in the front door of my house and as it shut behind me I took a breath. I took a deep breath and exhaled! I was going to get a little break and it felt good. It felt amazing to take those hours while they were in school to catch up on laundry, dishes actually have my dinner planned and have a phone conversation with a friend without getting interrupted. This is what this feels like!
Weeks after the first day I went through feelings of guilt. I thought that I shouldn't feel this way. I should want my kids home with me during the day and not look forward to the time they are in school. But what I realized is that it is ok to take a break. I have had children home with me for the past twelve years all day. The Lord kept speaking to me that this is my time to breath, exhale, recharge to press into him. I need to give myself this time. Even if it means cleaning the house, running errands, working occasional ect. I am still doing it alone and have time to myself and spend time with the Lord. I am finding myself again and it feels good. Its going to be a change but I am ready for this next season in my life and it feels good.
Its interesting the first project I tackeled was cleaning out the pantry. So metaphoric for the season of life that I am in and the things God has been talking to me about. The pantry is behind a closed door. No one sees it but you and your family. Isn't that true about ourselves and parts of us that we only see and our family sees. The good, the bad and the really, really ugly! Its time to clean out the pantry ladies! If the pantry was open to everyone that came into your home what would that look like. I don't know about you but I want my pantry to be cleaned out of all the junk and the stuff that just does not need to be there. So durning this time with the kids being in school. I am going to slowly clean out the things in my heart that just don't need to be in there. The thoughts and feelings that are just not true . The lies that we tell ourselves that don't line up to Gods word. The words that come out of our mouths only around are family that we would dare not say in public. Its time! Weather your kids are still with you at home or they are all at school or you are full time mom its time to let God come and clean out the pantry!
Here are the before and afters of this weeks project:
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Before |
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After |
I am so happy with the way it turned out. Of course it doesn't look as pretty as this now months later but it is still so functional. I started out by painting the molding. I wanted to paint the whole pantry but wanted something kind of fun and funky and did not feel like stenciling. So I decided to cover the walls and shelves in contact paper. You can find it at your local box store or home improvement store. They have some many cool designs to choose from now. It was very easy to work with and it has stayed up. I was very concerned that it would not take to the walls but it did and months later it is still up! The only thing I did have to reinforce was the top of the pantry. You could use spray adhesive but I did not have that on hand so I used mod podge! It worked great. I love that it is funky but cute and I can easily wipe the shelves to keep them clean.
The bottom red stacker's are from a big box store. I got them on clearance for $3.00. I think they add some pop to the space. I really wanted some wood crates or weave baskets but with these being so cheap and being able to see threw and the fact that they stack I couldn't pass them up. One has lunch boxes and water bottles. The others has all things cutlery. The next one has extra dry goods and the last has extra foil, napkins,trash bags and zip locks.The wicker baskets on one shelf are labeled with bakery, pasta and misc. On the very top shelf I store all the cereal, crackers and chips in long cereal containers. Those are not labeled because they change week to week for us. The empty shelf on the bottom is now full of course. I will write another post on that soon. That shelf is usually filled with pre-bagged snacks for lunches and anything extra dry goods from Costco. I am very pleased and it was so fun to do!
If your pantry is in a mess and you think to yourself why makeover a pantry it is behind close doors no one sees it but me. That is is exactly why you should redo your pantry!! Knowing that if I am the only person to see it each day and of course my family that is a treat in its self. Try it! You will be surprised!!